Saturday, March 8, 2008

NOT BIG winners at SCS Auction

I must begin this with an apology to Karen. I brought my camera took it out right away to take some pictures and it told me I had no memory card!! So sorry. So I will try to be a bit more detailed.

Well we had a good time but it was a bit disappointing. :) Both Ben and I went wanting to buy two things and then everything else we bought would be cream. We wanted a class ceramic Alicia's class created and we wanted 1/2 cow. Last year the 1/2 cow went for $400.00. Those were oral auctions. So first we did the silent auctions and each won some stuff. They have tables around the room and each section has a color that ends at a certain time. As you make your way around the room the stuff gets a bit better. While you are waiting for these auctions to end you get to eat a salad, then dinner and then dessert.

Then the oral auction started. Ben bid for awhile and ended up winning a golf package. So he will be golfing a lot this summer. :) He even plans to take Alicia and start teaching her! Then came my platter. I thought it would be nice to say I have Alicia's Kindergarten plate! Some dishes earlier had gone at $1000.00 to $250.00 so I wasn't sure how high we would have to go. Ben did the bidding and when it got to the 5 hundreds I made him stop. Just too high for my blood. Even for a good cause. But I am so regretting it now. I wanted that plate!!!! Then later was the meat. We bid against some man I did not know and he was relentless. We told ourselves 700 was our out but we bid higher and finally gave up when it got in the 800's! So NO meat and NO plate! Pooey.

Then it was time for the raffle drawings. Sadly my chances at 1 in 6 for the school tuition had gone to like 1 in 50. And I did not win. We also did not when a door prize, dinner raffle or Hawaii prize either. :) Alicia asked me this morning if we were going to Hawaii to see the things that blow up? I had to tell her sadly that was not in our future.

It was a fun night. The men the school hires to do the oral auction are SOOO funny. They are so good at their job. It made for a very fun evening away from our children. And we came home and pouted while eating the Mountain Man goodies I won. :)


Duo Na said...

If it makes you feel any better, that set of watches Levi & I won were not what we expected. We're going to donate them to the Oregon Right to Life auction. I should've let the old lady win them.

I wasn't too impressed with the silent auction or the dinner. There was okay stuff, but nothing I was really interested in. We won't be going next year. Apricots and pine nuts on chicken? At least the dessert was yummy.

The night ended well though. At Dave & Erin's I won in poker and in PIG. I was a winner in the end.

momaof4 said...

Thanks for all the details. Auctions are so hard. You have to hunt around for good stuff and donations and then pray people will like what you got. Sounds like they did awesome!! I can't believe people spent that much money!!!!!!