Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Now that tax season will slow back down we are starting to think about our yard. More specifically our backyard. Yes, our front yard needs attention too as it has been taken over my moss but that can be taken care of pretty quickly with some moss killer and grass seed. But our backyard will need a lot of work. We have not done a thing with it since we moved in. Well that isn't quite right as Ben did level out the yard with some fill dirt and put in an irrigation sytem but that is it! So this spring/summer we will put in some borders and flowers. We will make a little play area for the kids and work on our vegetable garden. We will put in grass and more flowers. I am so excited. Right now I am trying to figure out what flowery vines I want to put in and around our front fence. This is a picture of our bare fence.

I want to make it look like the front fence in Father of the Bride, when they decorate it for the wedding. There are some sites that help those in Oregon and Washington decided which flowers work best for our areas. Well I have asked them for some help but no responses yet. I will probably do a clematis or morning glory. I am stoked to be able to be creative and work on this project. Now I just need the weather to cooperate so I can get started!


momaof4 said...

They make a evergreen clamatis. and the flowers smell so good!! And it grows like crazy, easy to take care of and all.

Check it out. :)

srid20 said...

Fun times.

I jogged by the "Father of the Bride" house in Pasadena just a couple weeks back. It is a quaint place, but doesn't come across quite like it did in the movie. That said, I think you'll be doing great to get things anywhere near where Fronk (spelled for effect) did. Let's just hope Ben doesn't end up like Steve Martin, in jail and crazy :-)