Sunday, November 9, 2008

Random Post about Alicia

So I did a special post on Ethan while we were gone to the beach for the weekend. I thought I would also do one on one very special girl. The problem is this special little girl hates cameras. She will either jump out of pictures or ruin them with her faces. :) So here are some that show you what I mean.

This is Alicia warming up at Great Wolf Lodge. She wasn't covering her face until the camera came out though.

This is Alicia trying to ignore me and my camera when we had our special girl weekend this summer. We went to the Northern Lights in Salem and watched Kit. What a fun movie. That was a real special time for the two of us. I need to do more days like that with just the two of us.

The last picture is of a Wilson's girl trip we took to the beach this summer. It was very windy and rainy. Gotta love my sweetie.
Someday she will look back and wonder why her mom took so few pictures of her. I will show her this post and maybe she can forgive me.


God Made Playdough said...

I wish I knew them! This helps some!

February Jill said...

She's such a cutie too! It's too bad she won't ham for the camera a little bit. Maybe one day she'll change her tune.


momaof4 said...

The Kit movie is super cute!! I love my 2 hours with my little girl. They are so special.