So while I was blogging our Disney trip something big happened here in the Wilson household. I wasn't sure if I could go back and blog about it but I started to feel the "mom guilt". Poor Ethan is not the first child so the firsts for him seem to be passed over. It doesn't mean his day wasn't as special! So I need to go back to Thursday the 15th. Ethan had been telling me for a few weeks that he had a loose tooth. I figured he was making it up as he was too young to loose a tooth. I figured it was wishful thinking. He has wanted to lose a tooth ever since Alicia started to lose hers. He wants his dollars! I also seemed to forget that Alicia was also 4 when she started to lose hers. I thought you lost them at 6, but Alicia is 6 and has almost all her adult teeth in already. Anyway back to ETHAN!
Ben gets home and looks at Ethan and says, "what happened to your face!" I of course have to go see and he is missing a tooth! WHAT! So we look around where he was playing and there it is! His first baby tooth. He did not even know it had fallen out and there was no blood. Talk about one loose tooth!
Of course the toothfairy came and he still has that dollar bill sitting in his cup by his bed. He tells everyone he knows that he lost his tooth. My baby boy is getting bigger. WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
elijah is almost 6 and he hasnt lost one tooth and arent even loose so funny how they can be so different.
What a proud moment! Tell Ethan I am so happy for him (even though he has no clue who I am)
Way to go BIG boy!!!
It's always so exciting to lose teeth. We are still waiting around here! Noah has only lost about 4-5 and the Isaac only 1 :0
Some day....
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