When I was in grade school and then into middle school I thought I may write books someday. Well, a Marine Biologist that wrote books, but that isn't the point here. Anyway, I journaled EVERYTHING back then. I thought someday maybe I could use what was in my journals for a great book, again I was 11. . . Fast forward to today. I was thinking about Valentines Day and remembered writing down a beautiful love poem I found in a book I was reading in highschool. I dragged all my old diaries out and started to go through them searching for the poem to share with you all. I am pretty sure that any adult that thought they would use what they wrote in their diaries someday NEVER do. It was almost embarrassing just reading them. :) It reminded me of a lot of things though. The secret language my best friend Jill Young and I had in 7th grade, the boys I liked in middle and high school(Cody,Matt,Eric and then Ryan-but none of them were ever serious, and most never knew I liked them), the embarrassing moments I went through, old friends birthdays and I even wrote who was going with whom at that time. I am now torn. I am not sure I need these diaries around anymore. They take up space and seriously if I die I am not wanting ANYONE to read these. So should I toss them, burn them? Do any of you still have your journals around and what do you do with them?
O, and by the way have not found that poem yet. Hope to look again tomorrow. I do know it was by Gilbert Morris, Christian writer.
We were writing new blogs at the same time. I never wrote in a journal in grade or elementary school, but in college I did. And through all the times that I moved I decided to throw them away sometime.
absolutely toss them!! i never thought you even liked anyone in middle and high school. and you write there names and seriously i cant even remember who most of them are how funny...
I, also, have a lot of journals from when I was about 9 yrs old all the way till now. For me personally, I could never throw them away. I don't want anyone to read them, at least not right now, but I still feel they were/are a snapshot of who I was. I don't go through and read them, but I don't think the box of space they take up is really in need of being cleared away. There's room for them.
Hmm, so what did you decide?? ;)
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