Tuesday, March 31, 2009

99.99 lego Set for 19.98!

There happens to be a Space Skull LEGO set on sale right now. It is normally $99.99! But you can get it now for $19.99! There is also a code out BSCD29 that allows you to get 5 off of 20! So if you add something small you can use it!

I bought one for Ethan, it will either be for his birthday or for Easter!

You can use the link above or go to http://shop.lego.com/Product/?p=10192

And hurry, this is discontinued and they have been having it in and out of stock since I bougt it last week.

1 comment:

momaof4 said...

Love when you give us news on discounts. Headed over there right now!!!

Though they look like wierd legos :)