Sunday, March 1, 2009

I am writing this on a new computer! Ben really wanted to get a new one and I finally convinced him that we were fine. Then yesterday our computer actually crashed. With his business he needed one ASAP so we went and got this one. :) But I lost all email addresses. If you want me to write you well you gotta write me first. :)


momaof4 said...

I sent u an e-mail with the e-mails I had. Or at least caught my attention. That is such a bummer. Thankfully with MSN they save it all for you. So everytime our computer crashed I knew I could still get to those e-mails. Such a blessing.

creative fuel said...

bummer my computer is actually in the dell shop now. it has over heated and has serious issues. it had replacement plan so i am hoping for a new one. kris saved my harddrive so i didnt loose anything. sorry you did..