Friday, July 10, 2009

Blueberry time

So this morning my daughter convinced me it was time to go picking, blueberry picking that is! Last year we went 3 times, freezing it all. A few weeks ago we used our last ziplock baggie up. We enjoy crepes and smoothies all fall/winter with our horde. It was actually perfect weather for it and the kids are much better this year then last at actually putting blueberries in their containers.

So tonight we eat CREPES.

By the way, for those of you who want to go, there are a few weeks left out at Olsons. Their berries are still pretty green. (And they are $1.00 a pound u-pick.)


The Theisen Twosome said...

I wish I lived closer that is really cheap. How long is blueberry season? Does it run into Aug? I am going to come and pick blackberries in Aug. at Minto Brown this year, maybe I will do both in one day.

red-headed Wilson's said...

No, blueberries are gone by blackberry season. They have about 2 weeks left and that is really it. By then they will have peaches though. They also had cherries today but I think those will be gone very soon.

KLB said...

the berries seem to fly by! I hope I can get some soon!

momaof4 said...

Thanks for the reminder about Blueberries. Time to stock up!! I need to call my ladie that picks them all :)

Hugs, caught up on 6 post. Your a busy girl with time to blog. amazing!!!