Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year - - - New Goals

I have been trying to figure out how to set new reading goals. I wanted something with set boundaries but boundaries that were wide, wide, wide. Also some sort of goal that would push me a bit. I think I have found something that will work for me.

I plan to read five book from each decade:

and then five books from 1900-1950 and five from 1850-1900.

I think this allows me to read the books that I want to read and then push me to find books from different eras. It also is only 40 books so hopefully I won't feel so burnt out by the end of the year as I was reading 52 books.

What do you think? Want to do this with me? Or a smaller version?


Duo Na said...

Wow! I can't believe you read 52 books in 1 year and are aiming for 40 more this year. I don't think I've read 52 books (or even 40) my entire life. Good luck with your new goal! There's no way I'd be able to do it. I hate reading. ;o)

Sarah said...

I think that's a great idea, I could do a smaller version. Maybe 3 books of each category. Do you have a first one chosen?

Sarah said...

If you don't have one chosen, your first book should be The Help
I could not put it down.

godizlife said...

very neat idea i would think it would be interesting