I have been looking for a new book to read for a few weeks. Nothing sounds like something I want to read right now. But yesterday I looked at my stack of unread books and told myself to just read what I have. I need to make that stack smaller and clear them out. My room is getting too full of BOOKS, they take up a lot of space! So last night I started Beautiful Boy by David Sheff. I got it last year when I heard the book club I used to be in was reading it. Unfortunately it never seemed like a book I wanted to read at any given time. I knew it would be sad and I just wasn't willing to go there yet.
I recommend everyone read this book.
It is a true story written by a dad whose son is a drug, preferably meth, and alcohol addict. I don't know anyone with this addiction. I don't know that I really learned anything from this read BUT I do know Meth is becoming a very real problem in The Canyon and I think knowing a bit more about it helps me feel compassion and love for people with this disease. My heart hurt when both the father and son said they did not belive in God or any "higher power." They have gone through earthly hell and still cannot see the Truth.
Nic Sheff, the son, has recently put out a book titled Tweak: Growing Up On Methamphetamines. It his view on his life. I am interested to read his take on the same events.
I still have a stack of books to read. None are at all interesting to me anymore. Some I have started and been unable to finish, some I can't remember what made me buy them. But I am determined to clear that stack so I have to just pick one. Wish me Luck!
I need a new book to read too. If you think I might like to read any of those please bring them for me to try.
I have been s l o w l y going through Memory Keeper....blah. I am so not that interested in it or how it turns out...but for some stupid reason, I feel I need to keep on reading
I have been soooo bad about reading this year. :( I have started a bunch, but have not finished one single book this year and it is April! :( I think because I'm trying to read more non fiction and they just aren't as fast going.
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