Friday, May 28, 2010

my life in a nutshell

10 thoughts from pulled my my head

1. I got my haircut today.
2. I locked my keys AND the spare key (long story that includes Alicia) in the van today. First time. My insurance does cover it!
3. I am ready for school to be done.
4. The kids have had more games rained out this season then they have actually played. But somehow practices are always on good days so my kids are bored of practices.
5. I love my kindle. But now I have to be good about buying books so I am looking for things to trade-in at so I can get credit there.
6. My van is getting detailed in 10 days, carpets and upholstery!
7. I think I am ready for my summer school with the kids, 8 weeks of lesson plans. Can't wait.
8. Alicia goes to summer camp for the first time this year, in June. I am anxious and she is excited.
9. Ethan is growing his hair out.
10. Ethan turns 6 next week so I am planning a lego party.


Sarah said...

A lego party sounds awesome.

momaof4 said...

We did a Lego Party!! So fun. They have so much more now then they did when we did ours.

Can't wait for school to be done too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would be anxious too!

Love you girl. You are the best and I can't wait for our girls beach weekend!