Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Horse lover

Should I state the obvious? It's been awhile since I have posted. I have so much to catch up on too, Disneyland, soccer, summer fun, etc.! Today I will post on my beautiful daughter.

Last year at our school auction Ben and I bid on horse riding lessons for Alicia. She had been asking for years and we had put her off for about as long as we could. We bid on two separate beginner packages and won both. So Alicia started two weeks ago with the 2 lesson package from a parent of her classmates. That was a great way to start. We trust Kim Cathcart and Alicia was familiar with her. Alicia loves loves loves it. Next week she starts the other package. It is 10 lessons at a place just down the road from us. I hope she loves this lady and farm as much as the Cathcarts.

Kim said Alicia has natural talent and if she sticks with this she could be really good. This is not a real surprise to me as she just has a way with animals. They don't scare her and she respects them. But it is nice to hear.

She needs to get boots so if you know anyone who has riding boots in a size 2 they have outgrown we would love to have them. :) They are expensive and we don't want to spend the money until we know exactly what we are getting ourselves into. If she want to stick with it, where she would continue to take lessons, how much it costs, etc.

1 comment:

momaof4 said...

Oh how FUN!!! I hope she loves it. and is able to keep going.

BTW, the pink is super hard to read...just letting you know :) Cause I love you