Saturday, February 5, 2011

As I dream of buying our new house I have been finding my self looking for new decorating ideas. This a bit new to me. I love visiting my friends house and seeing the way they decorate but never really felt the need to do it in this house. BUT I feel myself so connected to the "other" house that I am constantly thinking of what I want to do in each room. I have been perusing new blogs that focus on decorating and love the ones that focus on decorating cheaply. I have found a few items that I plan on buying at some point. I am now trying to figure out how I will afford all I want to do. It will definitely have to be a process. But I am so excited.

Do you have decorating blogs you follow? Or magazines you get ideas from? TV Shows? Any help?

I am now wanting to go antiquing and try flea markets. Does anyone know of any great areas for these (besides Silverton or Aurora.) Been checking craigslist but this area just doesn't have much.

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