Saturday, July 29, 2017

Day 20

This is the door to our little suite. This hotel used to be a 16th century cloister so the rooms all surround a courtyard with orange trees. It's really relaxing here. You forget you are in the heart of a large city while inside the gates.
This morning I woke with the desire to just be home. Looked online at plane tickets but that is not an affordable option so 4 more days it is. I had wanted to get out before the sun got hot but my daughter had other plans. ******** We went to lunch and sat right next to a couple of college students that were from Holland. We really enjoyed getting to talk with them. One girl knew 5 languages the other 7, though two off those are Greek and Latin. Alicia and I were majorly wishing our schools taught languages at a young age like in Holland. After we left that lunch I felt a lot less homesick. I think people just need interaction. Might be why the days we did tours with small groups were our favorites. Nice to interact with others while seeing and trying new things. ********************** Lesson learned: we've had this happen a couple of times now, Alicia and I decide to order the same thing but somehow it's lost in translation and we get just one to share. We have decided in Rome we need to order different things now.


Duo Na said...

You do NOT want to come home early. It's supposed to be 110* on Wednesday!

rachel w said...

The hot weather is supposed to stick around too!