Wednesday, April 8, 2009

10 things

What are ten things you are thankful for RIGHT NOW. And tag you are it! I think we should try more often to remember the things that are good in our lives!

1. No school today so I can sleep in.
2. I was in NEED of some sun so I am thankful for a few days of that.
3. For good college friends! NO, THE BEST college friends.
4. For the Holy Spirit!
5. A husband I can trust and follow.
6. For flowers, without them my yard would look depressing.
7. Stayton Christian School, my kids are learning so much.
9. for weekends
10. hot showers!


momaof4 said...

Love number 1!!!
And #3 is a fav or mine too. I am always so thankful to God for those 4 amazing years. Seriously, He had is precious hand in each event and friendship.
#5 Amen to that!
#7 amazing isn't it?
#10 L o n g hot ones ;)

God Made Playdough said...

#3!!!! :) I MISS YOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! Can't you all move to WA???
I might have to post on this too!