Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Birthday

Donna's 29!
What a great year. The last in your 20's, the last where you can feel somewhat young. :)

Hope you have a great day and you can feel a bit like a princess.

I LOVE YOU my sister in law!


Duo Na said...

Thanks Dee! It is going pretty good today. I've got one year to get whatever I wanted to get done by the time I'm 30. I think I did it though.....it was just to have a nice set of dishes and that happened a few months ago. :o)

I'm also thinking that there's only one year left before we can begin applying to bring home our other daughter from China. I know our family just won't be complete until she's with us and I can't wait to start that process.

Also, only one more year before I can really look into Lasik surgery. Dr. Storey gave me the go ahead, but I'd already wanted to wait until 30 so I'm almost there.

Thanks again for the birthday wishes!!
Love you too!

momaof4 said...

Hope She had a wonderful Birthday!!!