Saturday, March 12, 2011

Glad the week is over

This week was long. Emotionally long. Starting with my friends mother passing away Monday evening with a funeral on Friday, then Collin being diagnosed with Leukemia on Tuesday, all while working on the Stayton Christian School Annual Auction also on Friday and planning my daughters 9th birthday party today. O, and having our house close for real on Thursday. My heart was heavy all week my brain was fried and not fully working. It was all very draining.

So I say, "Good riddance week. May this next week bring an abundance of peace and joy to those I love."

O, and I kept going back to what Ethan told us Wednesday on the way to see Collin, "God has a plan for Collin." He said this with the assurance of a 6 year old and his faith in our Creator. Ethan KNOWS God loves Collin and has created him for a purpose. It is comforting to remember.


KLB said...

Ethan is a sweet boy!
Congrats on your house, and I will be praying for a better week for you!

momaof4 said...

Love you!
I want to see you house!!!!