This week is a busy week. It's time for the annual auction at Stayton Christian School. This week takes a lot of work to pull off. But it's fun too. Or at least it usually is. Today I knew I would be busy and then my poor friend lost her mom. This made me an emotional wreck. I kept thinking of her and would start to cry. Then about a half hour before I picked the kids up from school today I got a call that my nephew, that turns two this month, was sent to Doernbechers with suspected Leukemia. This sent me over the edge. I am an emotional wreck. We love Collin. He is so special. And the thought of this little boy having this disease kills me. The thought of all the needles and pain he will be put through this week, makes me want to barf. They have told them to prepare to stay at least 3-4 days and as much as a week. He has been trying to tell his mom and dad that he wants to go home. I can't imagine what a week of him asking this will do to his parents. Broken hearts all around today.
This picture was taken on the 4th of July last year. So again I am asking for prayers. Please pray for my extended family. The Wilson's are a close family and we love Collin. We love him A LOT. Please pray that it isn't Leukemia, that it is something easily cured. If it is Leukemia please pray for his poor body as they try to fight it. Pray for all of us to keep the Faith and his parents to have strength.
Our whole family is praying for all the Wilsons. Collin is a special boy. Let us know if you need anything.
I am praying for you and your family. I also heard sad news about my grandma last week and really sad news from my sister in-law. What is with this march. I look forward to seeing you this Friday and giving you a hug.:)
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