Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas week recap

Christmas is over. The Christmas tree is now outside ready to be chopped up and thrown in the yard debris can. The decorations are in the process of being packed away for another 11 months. It was a really great week with the kids and family. One of my highlights was just getting a picture of my two kids in their Christmas jammies, under the tree, Christmas morning. Usually Alicia runs away when a camera emerges but she was in such a good mood having her Nana and Grandpa (my parents) here that she let me. Best of all- -she smiled.

Now one more week off of school before New Years. I am not a big New Years person. I could care less about this holiday. It does force me to stop and think a bit about the last year and what I want out of 2010 though. I wish I had some great ideas for it but at this point I have nothing for you.

Anyways, back to Christmas. The kids got some great things and seem very happy with their gifts. One of the most used gifts so far is the nerf dart guns I got Ben and Ethan. We have had some great family fights the last couple of days. It has been a lot of fun. And while the kids are sleeping Ben is playing on Ethan's Nintendo DS. So that too seems to be a popular gift. :)I have a couple of games I want to play on their DS' as well, so I may be "borrowing" it too.


The Theisen Twosome said...

I want to see the picture of them under the tree.

momaof4 said...

Love behind with mine. Might have to do a 2009 recap to get them all in :)