Thursday, May 15, 2008

AWANA is over for another year

Last night was our last AWANA evening! It is always so nice to have it over. Alicia was really bummed to hear it was over because she needed a few more weeks to get her book done. But she was happy when she got there and realized most of her friends also had not passed their books. I was trying to tell her she should be happy for her friends that they did something good but she just didn't want them further ahead then her. :) I did not take any pictures of this night. After years of bringing my camera I have realized our church just doesn't have very good lighting and pictures turn out horrible there. So I sat like a good parent and didn't go running all over the church looking for the right angle.

Next year I am thinking about helping by JUST being a listener for Sparks but I have loved my free Wednesday evening with the kid and Ben gone. But Alicia would go to AWANA with her verse memorized and come home without it marked off because there just wasn't time for all the kids!! Made me feel a bit guilty.

So next September you will have to ask me what I have decided. For now I am just happy that the year is officially OVER!


momaof4 said...

No more busy Wednesday Nights.

I totally understand the free night. All 4 can be in Awanas next year. And I told Darren he is not allowed to help out at our church because I want a date night!!

Totally selfish. But serious!!!

God Made Playdough said...

Do you guys have Puggles at your church? If so, how many kids are in it? This was our first year of doing it and it went well, but I'm curious to know how many other churches are doing it and how they do it.