Friday, August 22, 2008

The Summer Reader Winner!

I have been really interested to see what books came in over the week. There were books I have read and also loved, the Dee Henderson Series for example. I read that series on the plane to China 2 years ago! So it has good memories for me. I also thought Ray Blackston was a lot of fun to read. Perfect summer reading, light and fun. Then there was books I had not heard of that are now on my reading list, The Shack and Better. And then there are books I may never get to reading like Psychology Core Concepts or Dog Breath, The Horrible Trouble With Hally Tosis. Not that I have anything personal against these books but they just are not on my list. hehe.
So this morning I pulled the winner. I was excited to test this site as I have heard a lot about it. So I put in the number 10, there are 11 posts but someone posted twice and 1 of those does not count, and out popped 5. So the winner is. . .drumroll please. . .Karrie Brown! She wins with the book Fairy-Tale Detectives.
I had a really good time with the contest! So much fun in fact that I plan on doing more contests through the life of my blog. I will ask for different things and give different prizes but it will all be tied to books and reading. So make sure to check back frequently to see what you could win! Add me to your favorites or to your blog lists so your friends can be part of the fun too!
Thank you all for making the contest fun for me and having such different reading choices. Now I am off to ensure I have Mrs. Browns address to send this gift card to!


KLB said...

I would like to thank all of my elementary teachers for teaching me how to read, my parents for letting me read late at night as a kid, and Dee for having such a great contest. Since this contest I have heard so much about The Shack that I am going to spend my gift card on a grown up book!

Glory Laine said...

Dradt that Karrie!

February Jill said...

Boo! I wanted to win! I think maybe even though I didn't win, I'll mail you a copy of Twilight since you sounded a little skeptical of it. You'll like it.

I guess I didn't know you liked to read so much, we'll have to confer over some good books, I'm always looking for another good book to read.

P.S. I have belatedly left comments on your last 4 blog posts. You should go back and read them. :)

momaof4 said...

WAY TO GO KARRIE!!!!! Love you.

Dee thanks! Darn that
Though it is fun :)