Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is my little girls 7th birthday. She was born exactly one week past her due date. It was a long day but O, so worth it. I remember not being able to sleep Monday night the 11th so I was on the computer ebaying for cute baby clothes. Then I realized I was having contractions. I finally decided to tell Ben and he wasn't so sure. :) We got up and ready and then called the family to let them know we were heading to the hospital. I ended up having my baby at 6:34 PM Tuesday March 12, 2002, 12 or so hours after we got to the hospital. My labor was normal for a first baby, not fun or easy But I really had a good time of it when it came to pushing. It was only about 30 minutes and then they asked Ben to cut the cord. The announced that I had a baby GIRL. I had so hoped for a girl and I was very happy. We did not have a boys name picked out that we were sure of so we were also relieved. I have this picture of everyone that was in the lobby waiting for us once they were allowed in. I love that picture. It has everyone, almost everyone, that has been a part of loving Alicia these last 7 years.
Back then I did not have a digital camera so this is a picture of a picture. So bare with me as I add it here.

As you can see my sister is missing, she is taking the picture and my Sister-in-law Rachel was not around at that point. But otherwise many of Alicia's favorite adults are here in that picture. Loving her from moment one. O, and Alicia is actually in the picture, you just have to look for her at the bottom in Nana's arms.

LOVE YOU Alicia girl!


Duo Na said...

Happy Birthday Alicia!!! We'll be calling her after she gets out of school. Anna & Zach want to sing to her. :o)

February Jill said...

Happy Birthday Alicia! Elsa can't wait to see you again soon!

P.S. Dee I'm glad you finally read the Twilight books. They are entertaining, aren't they?


KLB said...

I can't believe she is 7!
Happy Birthday!

P.S. I have not received a comment from you in forever. Do you still read my blog??

The Theisen Twosome said...

That is such a great picture with all your family memebers. What a memory holder.

momaof4 said...

Love the picture!! What fun and you are so brave to have them ALL in there :)