Friday, January 30, 2009


A couple of statements in a book I am reading have hit me this week and I thought I would share them with you.

"To live outside of God's will puts us in danger; to live in His will makes us dangerous."

"Peter walked on water, and that's strange enough. But then he saw the wind! Not the waves. Not the effects of the wind. He saw the wind! And then he was afraid. To follow Jesus is to engage the invisible."

both from an {unSTOPPABLE} force by Erwin Raphael McManus

McManus was trying to make us see that it is not safe to be a Christian. We will not be shielded from bad things. But we can overcome them as we walk with Him! Most great men of of the Bible have been in very dangerous situations. We should not think God would not want us to go somewhere or do something because it is unsafe. God has no fear. He doesn't think that way. We need to be willing to go anywhere and do anything that God leads us to do.

1 comment:

momaof4 said...

He spoke at the MOPS Convention this past fall. He is an amazing speaker. I have been wanting to read one of his books. He spoke in his Wide Awake one. Amazing. I wish he could have done the whole thing!